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There's a lot to unpack there. Let's start with the sales side. How much is it that people come to Daktronics because they know the name and want something specific versus the outbound sales team approaching potential clients? How does the average project or client come to you?

In the large sports and live events market, I would say anywhere from 20% to 40% of the business came through competitive bids. Daktronics might have been aware of the project and worked with the client, but the client might still want a consultant to bid it for the best deal. Other times, Daktronics had no prior relationship, and a consultant would bring us in for the RFP along with others. The remaining 60% to 80% of the business was direct with the client, often repeat business.

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And then, how many projects would you say come in at or under cost versus over cost, maybe in percentage terms?

I would say 90% come in as expected or better. It's a pretty high number. Like any business, it's about mitigating that bad 5% to 10% and stopping the bleeding if it's that bad. Honestly, I would say 80% to 90% are coming in equal to or better than the initial estimate.

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