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So, trying to understand the collective psyche of the CMA here, they will need to announce something in the next two to three weeks. From your perspective, does the CMA generally investigate to find specific outcomes in terms of consumer pricing or other aspects? Are they trying to change the structure of the industry? Do they have a specific outcome in mind, like wanting prices to be 10% lower, 15% lower, and then do whatever they need to achieve that outcome?

What I can say is that there has been a feeling in the vet sector that the CMA has been increasingly likely to start an investigation like this over the last five years. The internal view is that this is really about ensuring transparency and consumer choice so that consumers can make effective decisions based on transparent information. It's not necessarily about thinking that costs are too high, but about ensuring consumers can easily access information to make conscious decisions. It's not only about pricing but also about making consumers aware of the difference between a truly independent vet practice and one that might appear independent but is actually corporately owned. That's where I think they're coming from.

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But, if I'm a consumer and I show up next week for my routine dog or kitten or cat examination and suddenly I'm made aware that, okay, this group of vets are working for a corporate as opposed to working for themselves, how does that impact my decision-making? I'm just starting to understand how that's such a huge impact in terms of the decisions that consumers make about where to bring their cats and dogs for treatment.

It's a great challenge, but just from a legal point of view, in terms of transparency, there's a problem there. Whether or not it ultimately affects your decision as a consumer, you are right. But legally, I think people might be falling foul using language such as clinical freedom, family-owned practice, independent, when behind it all sits a corporate.

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