Interview Transcript

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Moving to the next section, I'm curious to learn about the key purchase drivers that led you to choose IDEXX. When you were looking for an in-house analyzer, what were the key drivers you took into consideration?

We felt very comfortable with IDEXX, and a significant factor for us was choosing the Animana software. The integration with our practice management software was great because we wanted to streamline the efficiency of the entire practice. I've worked in places where there wasn't a direct interface between the practice management software and lab results, and it seemed like a massive waste of time. They would, essentially, be employing people to sit there and scan your attached documents into the note of various patients. A receptionist could spend hours a day, doing that. To view those in the notes, you would have to download a separate attachment from the software. It seemed really inefficient.

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Do you feel at risk of being too exposed to a single vendor?

As a result, we started moving towards bigger veterinary suppliers. Although they were more expensive at first, their continuity of care and rapid call-out times made it worth it. When our previous equipment provider changed, there was a significant deterioration in the service we received. Any new provider would have to be very good to give us the confidence to switch.

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Regarding the reference lab, how many players are in your region that you could work with, and what were the key drivers that made you select IDEXX?

For us, it came down to our familiarity with IDEXX, our satisfaction with their equipment, and the integration with Animana. If the results were of similar quality, the efficiency and usability for our vets became the deciding factor, and that has been fantastic.

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