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How has the average price point evolved from $8 in the early days?

When I left it was $13.50 and it's even higher now. When we first started, the split between entry level, sweet spot and top shelf, which are the three price points of the business, was 60% entry level, 30% sweet spot and not even 5% top shelf. When I was last there, it was closer to 40% entry level, 40% sweet spot and 20% top shelf, so a huge swing in the percentage of sales at different price points.

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You didn't see sales retention change?

Not in Australia. There is much more pressure in the UK for price increases. In Australia, there will be a point where customers simply say, this is too high. Talking to customers recently, they notice prices have increased. For that entry level product, they are going to competitors, but who knows where that's going to go in the future, but they are definitely more premium nowadays.

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