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Regarding the reference labs, how competitive are Abaxis and Heska in the reference lab space? I'm aware that Antech has roughly the same number of reference labs. I believe Abaxis, has fewer, although they have acquired a few. There's a trend towards centralizing lab activities in a few central labs, which might reduce the need for many reference labs in close proximity. Given this, how competitive do you see the peers compared to IDEXX's offer of reference labs?

Antech has always been a top competitor in reference labs, making it challenging to convince practices to switch if they were satisfied with Antech. Zoetis, with its deep pockets, also invests heavily in this space. The reference lab market is becoming increasingly competitive.

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Regarding the reference labs, how competitive are Abaxis and Heska in the reference lab space? I'm aware that Antech has roughly the same number of reference labs. I believe Abaxis, has fewer, although they have acquired a few. There's a trend towards centralizing lab activities in a few central labs, which might reduce the need for many reference labs in close proximity. Given this, how competitive do you see the peers compared to IDEXX's offer of reference labs?

The integration of in-house and reference labs is crucial. For example, an IDEXX in-house customer might send some tests to the IDEXX reference lab and others to Antech. Having all results on IDEXX VetConnect PLUS is beneficial, especially for long-time in-house users with historical patient data. It simplifies the process and keeps all test results in one place, enhancing ease of use, accuracy, and the range of tests offered.

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