Interview Transcript

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It's a pleasure to chat with you. Your career path is quite interesting. You started at Biedronka in 2000, close to the year Dino was founded. Could you start by telling me a bit about the history of the Polish market and what did you do from 2000 to 2010?

To answer your question, the key to Biedronka's success was doing things a bit differently from other discount stores at that time. Stores like Leader Price were leaders at that time. They tried to offer the lowest price for the best possible quality. However, my team and I took a different approach. We offered the highest quality at the lowest possible price. We focused on quality, created a large team for quality control, and even placed quality controls in factories. We embarked on a journey to offer quality at the lowest possible price.

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It's interesting that you observed this chain starting to establish a model in rural areas. Why didn't you shut them off back then?

When I left, there were 2,700 or 2,800 stores and Biedronka decided to slow down its expansion. They chose to avoid cannibalization of their stores.

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It's interesting that you observed this chain starting to establish a model in rural areas. Why didn't you shut them off back then?

Their significant reduction in expansion allowed Dino to seize the opportunity to continue opening stores in areas where Biedronka was not present, primarily rural areas and locations not typically targeted by Biedronka.

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