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How would you categorize Dino Polska in this market segment?

If you ask me how I would categorize them (Dino Polska), I'd say they started as a discounter. However, over time, they've evolved more towards a supermarket model, adding more top brands and aiming to be perceived as a high-quality store. I wouldn't confidently label them as a discounter anymore. They're somewhere between a discounter and a convenience store. I don't want to invent a new category for them, but it's a blend of a supermarket and a discount store. How to categorize them exactly, I leave that to you. Some investors prefer clear-cut categories like discounter, supermarket, proximity, or convenience. They started as a discounter, but now, I'd call them a supermarket.

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Who would you rank as their top competitors in this market?

However, in smaller cities or areas close to cities, they (Dino Polska) still have to compete with Biedronka due to their similarities. They have a slight edge over Biedronka because Biedronka is still struggling with non-food items.

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Who would you rank as their top competitors in this market?

While Biedronka is strong on prices in some categories, they are not the cheapest market in Poland anymore.

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