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I imagine this could present potential weaknesses or risks for each platform. Amazon's rigorous process could deter sellers, while Wayfair's leniency could expose them to product safety issues. Do you have any thoughts on this?

Wayfair has an entire incidents dashboard report where customers lodge complaints about faulty equipment, assembly issues, breakdowns, and even absurd claims like furniture causing bedbugs. This dashboard is a treasure trove of information that can be extracted. However, Wayfair doesn't seem to utilize it effectively. They take the supplier's word that they will change their manufacturing process or implement a new picking and packing process if an item has been repeatedly shipped to customers in a damaged state. We pointed out to Wayfair that they lacked a robust incident response system. They were reporting the issues and had the information, but they weren't taking any action. They acknowledged this weakness in their system, but we didn't pursue it further as things were winding down. I'm not sure if they ever addressed this issue, but you're correct in identifying it as a weak link in their chain.

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