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According to this data, in 2018 Pall made one billion in biopharma revenue, of which $300 million was from single-use technologies. 

The impact largely depends on how many processes transition to continuous processing. The advent of continuous processing won't affect their core business that they've built over the years, as most processes won't shift to continuous processing. It's probably going to be more about how it affects the growth rate in the future. I'd need to do some calculations to think this through a bit more. I'm currently working with a few companies on continuous processing for vaccines. I can get some insight from a colleague who has experience with continuous processes on the API side. He's worked with processes that Vertex uses for some of their solid dosage. I'll get back to you on this, as it requires more than just back-of-the-napkin math.

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How did you get your products specified early when you were at Pall?

It's about developing relationships with companies and giving them access to your engineers and scientists to work on the process. When I was doing sales for Millipore, this approach was key to my success. I provided an extra set of hands that the company didn't have to pay for.

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