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Could you compare and contrast Monday and Asana? Where is one stronger than the other, or how would you frame it? What is an ideal customer for Asana versus Monday, and where are the two stronger and weaker?

Asana has positioned itself slightly differently. I'm currently undergoing training, onboarding, and learning about their building blocks. They define everything as a task, a project, which then gets rolled up into a portfolio. They have that hierarchy well defined. In Monday, you can kind of do it, but it's not as well defined. The thing about Monday is that it's so flexible it sometimes becomes the victim of its own success. For example, someone in the automobile industry might say, "I'm not going to use Monday because I have access to a platform developed for my industry." But in reality, you can do all of that on Monday; it just needs to be customized. That's the disadvantage because it's so open and flexible that sometimes it's hard for people to connect the dots and see how they can use it. Whereas Asana has a lot out of the box, preset with many templates and use cases that the Asana team has already set up. You can just grab that and run with it, rather than having a partner set it up, if you see what I mean.

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