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So just back to this approval process. How long does the testing take? Roughly a year for the fish toxicity and corrosion?

I think, yes, about a year for QPL testing, just to get into the OFE. I would start that clock from when the business was formed in May 2019 or maybe March 2019. We really began the QPL process late that year. So, end of 2019, you could say we began. 2020 was all QPL testing. Summer of 2021 was the first time we were into an OFE. The earliest you'd be able to contract would be fire season 2022. But just to get the results from the OFE and make sure everything is good to go kind of kicks you into fire season 2023, which is when we got our first contract. So we actually nailed the timeline. We got through and into contracting probably as fast as you could, with the exception of maybe if everything went perfectly, we could have been in a season sooner.

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