Interview Transcript

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How important is pricing in deciding which software to use? Do you focus mostly on the best capabilities? How are the decisions made to use one over the other? Is it common to use two or three different simulation software packages?

It's always a combination of technical capability, pricing, and usage location. Certain software licenses don't allow sharing on a virtual machine. CMG, for example, has a flat pricing model that allows distributing licenses globally based on need, avoiding the need to rationalize costs and centralize usage in one location.

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How important is pricing in deciding which software to use? Do you focus mostly on the best capabilities? How are the decisions made to use one over the other? Is it common to use two or three different simulation software packages?

Most of the time, decisions are driven by technical requirements. Managers may say, if you want a specific software, you might only get one license, or you could get multiple licenses elsewhere.

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