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Why is the addition of the second material so important?

The results from studies and clinical reports show that calcium sulfate is reabsorbed by the body quite quickly. The inventors of CERAMENT believed that to aid bone cell growth, the addition of hydroxyapatite would be beneficial. Hydroxyapatite acts as a scaffold inside the body, providing a structure for the growing bone cells to use, leading to more solid and complete bone regeneration.

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Yes, that makes sense. If we think about the type of physician that uses CERAMENT, is it just orthopedic surgeons? Who are the key users of CERAMENT?

However, literature indicates that only 10% of the total antibiotic administered reached the bone infection, making it very ineffective. This meant that after four to six months, patients often returned with recurring bone infections. Even a small piece of infected bone left untreated could lead to bacterial colonization and reinfection. It was a nightmare for surgeons to deal with patients with bone infections, which often worsened over time, sometimes leading to amputations. It was a very complex problem with very complex patients.

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