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If there's more history you want to discuss, feel free. However, I'd love to hear about targeting dealership markets. Auctions are concentrated focal points for volume, but with dealerships, I assume you're targeting big players like AutoNation. It seems dealerships are challenging customers to keep satisfied. I'd love to hear about that evolution unless you have more to add.

The main sales pitch that Dent Wizard uses is their comprehensive service offering. Typically, they have about 12 technicians per sales manager. A sales manager handles the dealer and rental relationships, while auction managers manage auction relationships separately. The sales manager oversees the franchise dealership relationship and the technicians responsible for reconditioning within that dealership.

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Regarding capital intensity, you mentioned specialized equipment for different services. Could you discuss returns on capital and how much is needed to run the business?

Aside from vehicles, every dent technician carries about a $3,000 toolkit, which is a capital item. When setting up at a new dealership, you're usually working on the pavement since most dealerships don't have space to allocate for reconditioning. Therefore, you need to set up outside structures with outside equipment.

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