Interview Transcript

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And you mean each person on the manufacturing line, correct?

Yes, exactly. Not only the operators responsible for the printer, but also each time you have to change something in the printer's parameters, or if you want to change a cartridge or ink, you have to record everything. This is a requirement from the pharma market specifically for US. However, now it's global. You have specific software, and when you install any kind of printer, you must provide specific documentation.

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So you mean the OEMs are the companies that sell the actual assembly line?

Yes, that's correct. It was about 50/50 because when I left, Videojet serialization was still at its peak, which is not the case anymore. There are fewer serialization projects now. I suppose the split is probably 70% on the end user and a maximum of 30% on the OEMs for pharma.

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What's the typical cost of the equipment a customer would pay for? Let's think about one assembly line.

The printing cost is minimal compared to the cost of an assembly line. For a complete assembly line, we're talking about millions. How much? Around 2 or 2.5 million. The printers cost a maximum of €5,000 each.

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