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How come they've done that though? Because I thought in the Veeva contract that they couldn't partner with someone who's a competitor or is did they only partner when Veeva announced they were going to shift off to Vault?

Yes, it's a good question. I don't know the ins and outs of the contract. It was interesting when Salesforce allowed OCE to build a couple of years back. That's the question. Maybe that was speculative, but maybe that's when Veeva thought, well, hey, if they're going to let someone else do it, it's our time to really push forward with the plan. So that could have been the case. I don't know how that one worked out because it was interesting. I was working there at that time. I was managing global accounts that we were competing against OCE. We almost lost one of them. They committed to OCE. OCE could not deliver, so they ended up having to stay with Veeva. But from a headspace or from a commitment perspective, we were told by this top 20 pharma, we're going to OCE.

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