Interview Transcript

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With Tesla's DTC model and their entire philosophy of designing and producing cars with as few parts as possible that break as little as possible, I want to understand what the impact on the entire ecosystem will be in a decade or 20 years from now.

Tesla is particularly concerned about the cost of repairs for electric vehicles. I have some data that I can show you on this topic. It covers the cost of repair for Tesla electric vehicles, other electric vehicles, and internal combustion engine vehicles. It's public record. I'll tell you what the source is, but they're concerned enough about it to know that the cost of insurance is very high. It's 20% to 30% more for electric vehicles, with Tesla on the higher end of that spectrum because they are the most expensive.

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Why would you choose to have relationships with Gerber and not with Service King, for example?

According to some public records, MSOs currently handle only about 20% of the volume of repairable vehicles in America. Let's say I'm underestimating and it's 30%; that still leaves 70% of the cars being repaired elsewhere. We can do some research, but if the top six MSOs have 20% to 30% of the volume, 70% of the volume is going somewhere else.

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