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If I have an account with both Sunbelt and United, and you both have the same equipment, I won't necessarily choose the one that's closest?

Proximity is not the primary decision factor. However, if you choose me and I'm coming from across town and you're not satisfied with my service, you might start to consider Aggreko because they're tangibly closer. This might affect delivery costs and timing for service when the machine breaks down or when you need to move it or make adjustments. It's a valid assumption that proximity equals better service, but it doesn't always play out that way.

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What are the risks associated with clustering? Looking ahead 10 years, as the market matures and Sunbelt continues to add more branches, what are the potential downsides?

In my opinion, the risk originates from every branch. Since they manage an owned fleet, they are accountable for their profit and loss. Sometimes, decisions are made that, in my view, are short-sighted in order to service the customer. For instance, if I'm in downtown Houston and I have a high-profile, large project, say a hospital construction, and I need five 80-foot manlifts. Three of them come from my branch, which has a significant revenue at stake across this large project with numerous customers.

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