Interview Transcript

What kind of incentives do you normally give?

There are two types of incentives: “Do 50 trips, get something,” keeping them busy on the app, and doing less “dual-apping,” and the others are incentives to reduce surge, guarantees to encourage drivers to be online at certain times in certain areas.

It’s clear, for long-term sustainability, you need to capture the drivers, train them as an asset, really get them engaged in your business. I’m struggling to understand the relationship between reducing the take rate, which would invite more drivers because they can earn more.

The question is how they get it. Do they get it in a flat way, or do they get it in a way that has an effect on them? The question is, how efficiently do you give it to them?

So, the most efficient way is reducing the take rate?

I think that’s the least efficient way.

It’s the easiest, but it’s not efficient for the ecosystem?

It’s not efficient for the ecosystem or the drivers.

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