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And then in terms of moving from self-hosted to Atlas, allowing you to reduce the expertise in-house you mentioned, is that a big part of the TCO equation? Is that what's motivating the move to Atlas, or were there other factors?

Risk was the biggest factor, actually. One thing I'll say is that getting a MongoDB dedicated administrator is both expensive and hard. They are not exactly growing on trees. You can't find an Oracle DBA and bring them in as a MongoDB DBA. That transition involves a significant skill gap.

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Zooming back out and talking about MongoDB as a whole, one of the popular worries for investors right now is that Postgres has gotten a lot better at handling JSON. To what extent do you feel like that's a big competitive threat to MongoDB?

In more enterprise environments, I see them gravitating towards companies with whom they can have a vendor relationship, like MongoDB or Microsoft. These companies already have established relationships in some of those spaces. I don't think the JSON story alone will drive Postgres to be a major competitor to MongoDB because of the nature of enterprise relationships and the desire for vendor partnerships.

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