Interview Transcript

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So a truck arrives, perhaps with a container, and then what happens from that point to the moment the freight is dispatched elsewhere?

The measurement of the pallet and the density of the product determine how you're going to charge the customer appropriately.

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How do Mainfreight and Old Dominion make these decisions? What are the differences in decision-making when it comes to opening or owning locations between the two companies?

They are two different companies with different approaches. Mainfreight tends to be more cautious, considering whether there's enough freight in a location to sustain itself before signing a 10-year lease or buying property. Mainfreight typically leases property, while Old Dominion, having more financial resources, prefers to buy. Owning property has its advantages, such as tax write-offs and control over costs. Leasing, on the other hand, can lead to increased rent and lease value over time. So, while there's a higher initial expense to owning property, in the long term, it allows for better cost control.

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If I have two branches, one for Mainfreight and one for Old Dominion, each receiving one truck, could you walk me through what happens in both and compare the journey of a pallet in the two warehouses?

Mainfreight, on the other hand, picks up on a box truck and takes it back to their warehouse or terminal. They unload it and determine where it needs to go. They are more selective in where they pick up because they only service certain locations such as Atlanta, Dallas, Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago, Memphis, New York, and New Jersey. They take the pallet off the truck, put it on their dock, and then determine which truck is going to that location. For example, if they have a truck going to New York that leaves every Thursday and arrives on Monday, they will put it on that truck. This process is a bit slower.

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