For nearly a decade, we’ve been studying the commercial aerospace market. Aerospace OEMs have attractive characteristics including high switching costs from strict FAA certifications, slow product life cycles, and exposure to the aftermarket of aircraft platforms that can last ~50 years. 

We’ve studied TransDigm, HEICO, and have followed Loar Group amongst others in the private market. Our research on Loar has focused on understanding the quality of its proprietary IP in comparison to TransDigm. This learning journey focuses on:

  • How to segment Loar’s portfolio by proprietary IP 
  • Portfolio mix between PMAs and BTP manufacturing 
  • Case studies of BTP manufacturers Applied Engineering and PPR
  • Case study of SCHROTH vs AmSafe seat belt PMAs and CAV Systems 
  • Walk through the certification process of a seat belt 
  • Loar S-1 comparison to TransDigm 2006 S-1 

Portfolio Mix

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