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What are the actual steps in the manufacturing process? For instance, if I come to you with a wingtip, how does it actually work?

Essentially, a purchase order is placed. Once the purchase order is placed, if it's for 50 parts, we would proceed to obtain the material blanks needed. Instead of taking a large piece of aluminum, we would get it close to the size of what we were making for the wingtips. The product for the wingtips was actually extruded. Once they extruded the product, I didn't have to do much shaping. I had to shape it, but it was already contoured like the wingtip. That would be the final product made here. Think of the extruded product not having where your cursor is right now. That was machined. So, you'll see material here and even below that, the tooling passes. Everywhere you're seeing different lines, a tooling pass would go across and just machine out the part.

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