Interview Transcript

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One thing you mentioned that was really interesting was Jamf's channel program being reworked a few years ago. What changed there?

Another significant change was Jamf launching their own cloud instance. With the product being in a single cloud tenant and automated provisioning, the specifics of the setup became less critical. This flexibility was exactly what we needed. However, we were becoming frustrated with Mosyle quite quickly. MDM products are inherently sticky because to switch, you must manually unenroll and re-enroll each device, or wipe them for automated enrollment, which is a substantial process.

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One thing you mentioned that was really interesting was Jamf's channel program being reworked a few years ago. What changed there?

Since then, Jamf's approach has been interesting, similar to what happens when companies go public, like CrowdStrike. Initially, they set strict minimums, but after going public, they realized the need to sell more software and became more flexible with channel minimums. Currently, I really appreciate Jamf's channel program and believe it will significantly contribute to their success, even though they are traditionally not a channel-oriented company.

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