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Your background, particularly your experience with DraftKings, is fascinating. Using DraftKings and the sports betting side as a reference point, do you think all 50 states will approve, or will some not?

I believe there are probably three to five states that might never legalize gaming. However, I expect most other US states will legalize gaming within the next two to five years. This is largely due to competition between states.

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Your background, particularly your experience with DraftKings, is fascinating. Using DraftKings and the sports betting side as a reference point, do you think all 50 states will approve, or will some not?

Tribal interests are powerful in many states, especially in gaming. The compacts between states and tribes often grant tribes the right to gaming, sometimes exclusively. These tribes hold significant political influence, so any proposed legislation must consider their involvement, whether it be a partnership, exclusivity, or revenue share. Some states have managed to negotiate these arrangements, while others are taking longer.

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I'm curious about your personal viewpoint on this matter, and also the stance of DraftKings. I understand that you're not representing DraftKings, but since you were there, I'm wondering if this question has come up and continues to come up. How do you approach this issue of morality?

The public doesn't seem to appreciate excessive advertising for sports betting, even though they enjoy the promotional offers. The morality argument often comes up, but I see it as a distraction. Regulating an illegal market is generally beneficial, as it prevents exploitation by black market operators.

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