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Why acquire competitors if you're Safelite, rather than just grow organically?

Initially, the industry was really local and regional glass companies drove the industry. In the early days, Safelite acquired some regional competitors. We looked for strong competitors that had a presence in the market, name recognition, and had done a really good job developing insurance contacts and growing that market segment. We viewed it as acquiring talented leaders. These successful companies also had talent in terms of store managers, regional managers, etc., that we could bring into the organization, and secondarily, technicians. There are no training schools for technicians, so you start with trainees and have to train them yourself. Skilled technicians always came at a premium, so by taking out a competitor, you not only retain those technicians but also remove that brand from the market, which may have had a strong presence, giving Safelite a better opportunity to capitalize on that competitor's market share.

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