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What about from AWS to Azure or cloud to cloud?

You do see some of that and it is definitely one of the reasons. I think that is a promise that Kubernetes made early on. It is one orchestration system it can run anywhere and that allows you to move applications between different clouds with ease and I think it is true, to a degree. You can definitely take your Docker container and your Kubernetes services that are running in EKS and you can go and run them in GKE. I think the reality is that there is still quite a bit of configuration differences between those systems on different clouds that it is not quite as seamless as you would hope.

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What, typically, is the deciding factor?

If I'm Delta, there could be a variety of things. Some of it comes down to, do you have data centers in every region that I need? Or maybe there's local zones in certain locations that are beneficial to me, like edge computing is really beneficial. In some cases, it comes down to relationships at the executive level, and how good the deal structure is. There are all these different elements, but there's definitely a lot of technical drivers as well. One thing that I think can't be understated is when you're building a team of developers, and you have this operations base of talent in your organization.

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