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In terms of what happened before Dali left, you mentioned there was a clear slowdown in the market. I think on a lot of the earnings calls for Zscaler, they alluded to it as well. What do you think drove that? Was it just the general software slowdown, or was there something specific about Zscaler and its go-to-market engine at that point in time?

The morale issue I mentioned is that Zscaler has a bad habit, for better or worse, of forecasting a number. When you add up all the quotas handed out to the sales teams, the quotas are way higher than the number forecasted to the street. Internally, it would be like, "Hey, we beat our EPS, we hit our number to the street," and so on. But internally, everyone's like, "Nobody made the number on my team. Nobody made the number on any other team that we know." So there was a feeling of working really hard without getting paid, while Jay is.

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