The executive has over 5 years experience at Vitec Software working in its Real Estate operating companies.
Disclaimer: This interview is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a basis for investment decisions. In Practise is an independent publisher and all opinions expressed by guests are solely their own opinions and do not reflect the opinion of In Practise.
I assume you've read both the quarterly and annual reports and have been following the changes in their management team, especially at the headquarters level.
One thing that surprised me was that I always saw Patrik as the successor of Lars.
I have no idea. I believe Lars saw it that way too. Patrik is from Umeå, a family man from that part of Sweden.
Yes, it's way up north. The northern people are known to be a bit slower than those from Stockholm and the Malmö area. It took me about a year to understand that when they said, "Let's sleep on it," they meant we don't have to make a decision today. I would say, we can't continue to go straight, we need to choose left or right. So, what do you think? Give me a direction here.
Yes, we often met at the Lindhagen office in Stockholm.
Indeed, Patrik had a diverse career in various sectors, including finance, and worked for large corporations in Stockholm. When he returned, he became part of the business community there. He was recruited and quickly ascended to upper management under Lars and Olle. I had anticipated his success, but perhaps he didn't want to work around the clock. But it surprised me.
One of your questions, was about Lars. Lars is excellent with people, he knows how to motivate them. He's meticulous in ensuring that the upper management, particularly the decision-makers, share the same mindset and understand how the business should be run, according to his vision. Are you aware that Lars's favorite book is "From Good to Great"?
He keeps a stack of those books in his office. Whenever you have a meeting with him, he makes sure you have a copy. I received mine at a management team meeting last year.
I believe it provides him with a framework. He's very structured and likes to stick to a plan. While he constantly evaluates the business and makes minor adjustments, his long-term vision has always been clear. For at least the past 15 years, he's had a clear goal of becoming what they are today.
As a serial buyer of companies, specifically dominant software companies and smaller ERP suppliers for specific industries. For instance, if you have 80% of the Swedish real estate agents using a tailor-made ERP system, there's no room for organic growth. The system is based on Swedish real estate law, and you can't do much else with it.
Both Lars and Olle are from Umeå. I believe they met either at university or shortly after. Without checking, I think one of the first companies they acquired was Vitec Energy.
Yes, exactly.
Yes, I believe he moved up about 15 years ago. He was quickly absorbed into upper management and decision-making roles, assuming a very important role as the COO at that time. However, I think someone else now holds that position.
In response to your other question about management, let's take the ones that are easy to answer. Payment for services and overhead services are based on a simple commission of your turnover.
At that time, he was overseeing the companies. The CEOs of each company they owned would report to Patrik.
The HR manager and the head of finance. At that time, there was a small group at the headquarters. The head of finance at Vitec headquarters, for instance, all the CFOs in the companies would report to her.
Yes, they would, as well.
Exactly. They were given directions on how to report. Consequently, all the companies switched to this way of reporting to their CEO in their organizations.
If you're delivering according to the set plan for the year, you're pretty much left alone. The budgeting happens in October and November.
I can't recall the exact system. It's a large finance system, one of the big ones where you can build multiple company structures that feed up to a headquarters financial reporting system. Both reporting and budgeting are included. You're measured on your monthly budget as you report every month. If you deliver according to plan, it's fine; usually 10% to 12% net profit. They're usually not that interested in growth, as long as you deliver and meet the target for turnover and net profit.
The process begins with a set of rules. You are expected to defend your turnover according to these guidelines. They are not particularly interested in whether you achieve your profit through cost savings or other means, as long as it's not out of line.
Most companies don't have a growth percentage. They're not primarily interested in organic growth. If you have an ERP system where between, let's say, 65% to 90% of the users are in a certain market, there's not much you can do to increase growth.
Yes, exactly.
That's true, they do now. I think there are a couple of reasons for that. Shareholders probably expect them to look at both the cost side and how to grow the profit. They have also taken a more active role in developing the companies. The main reason for this is that the companies they're buying started developing their systems between, let's say, 15 and 25 years ago. A lot has happened in software development over the past five years, and for a small company, keeping up with these changes is a significant investment.
That would be absolutely fantastic.
Yes, definitely.
If you continue to deliver month by month, we would definitely leave you alone.
You would likely continue as the former owner and CEO. However, you would need to earn some cash and plan for a possible exit, either when you find a successor who can deliver the same results or when you retire.
A significant number of them stay on for a surprisingly long time. This was something I initially struggled to understand when I transitioned to Vitec from the gambling industry, where growth was measured on a daily, monthly, and quarterly basis.
One of the things I had trouble understanding was the lack of a strong drive for growth. However, I later realized that in most of these industries, there is a plan for increasing the price to follow the indexes and to deliver new services.
Another surprising aspect was on the M&A side. In most cases, the ownership of the shares simply switched hands, and then we moved on.
I believe it's because many of these companies, which they started from scratch, were like families to them. For instance, one company they acquired in Kalmar, a small city, had a very familial atmosphere.
They receive a fair cash salary in most cases. Additionally, they are often paid with newly issued shares in Vitec, making many of them significant shareholders in the company.
Yes, I was.
Because I wouldn't have done the same. I would have started a new business with that cash.
Many of these founders see their companies as their babies, something they've built from the ground up. In many cases, they've run these companies for 25 years before selling. They might not know how to do anything else.
Very few.
Yes, they're in the countryside. This is not exclusive to Sweden. It's the same when they acquire companies in Denmark and Finland.
I don't think they specifically look for that. However, the companies they have sought out are not typically located in metropolitan areas.
Yes, you'd think so, but they're not. One of the reasons is the price tag of these companies. They often buy companies with a turnover of 10 million and a profit of one or 1.5 million, for 35 to 40 million. These companies are valued quite low because there's no competition from large VC firms. For instance, if they look at an ERP system supplier for Swedish real estate agents, there's no way to significantly increase the turnover. If we already have 6,000 out of the 7,000 Swedish real estate agents as customers, we might only be able to increase turnover to 12 million in five years.
Recurring revenue was really important at that time. In the early days of ERP systems, you had a platform and then you added applications or services on top of that. The way you sold it was by providing access to the platform and a few attached applications. That's not how we sell software or ERP systems today. Now, we charge 100 krone per user per month for access to everything. After about 10 years, the invoice would be three pages long, listing the 35 modules we developed, each with a different price. Some cost 40 cents, some 62 cents, and others $2. This was because the development costs were high for us.
The decision to focus on recurring revenue was significant for our headquarters. We, like a few other companies, restructured our entire package. We provided access to all modules, raised the price per user, and performed a basic calculation. There were certain modules in these systems that were designed for super users and were highly sought after. For instance, there was a module for commercial real estate, which is a bit more complex as it involves legal transactions between companies. If a real estate agent encounters such a deal, they need this module, which is 10 times more expensive than the regular ones. By granting everyone access to this module and illustrating the potential savings, we were able to increase the price per user by 22% in 2020, just by switching the model.
Not really. We simply opened up and then began the transition to the cloud. For instance, in the real estate sector and for estate owners, like rental management, tenant management, and so on, they have completely transitioned to a cloud-based, web-based system.
It started around 10 to 12 years ago.
It was just before companies stopped having their own data centers. No companies have their own data centers now, but they still do.
Absolutely, and it's a tenth of the price to manage your own. However, they wanted to have their own because they're not that modern. The companies they acquired were not that modern either. They're not like metropolitan app developers or Spotify companies.
I actually spoke with one of the technicians who are now part of a division assisting companies with the technical transition from old to new infrastructure. This allows them to practically move to AWS. However, due to the foundation of how the system is built, it's not possible to simply move everything to AWS. A little rebuilding is necessary beforehand, and they're assisting with that.
Are you asking about the value of the IT services provided to the subsidiaries?
I don't believe they have the capability. In the companies I've examined, the developers or architects are the same ones who built the first version of the infrastructure. There have been significant advancements in infrastructure and server technology, and it's a big leap for them to take. They're interested, but they can't see how to make it happen.
Initially, they are a bit reluctant because this has been a topic of internal discussion. However, I think there's a sense of relief because it's also a budgeting issue. Prior to joining Vitec, it was challenging to justify the cost internally. In some cases, it's a costly project with no immediate benefits.
That's why they are a bit reluctant.
That's his point. We have to modernize, or else we will become outdated.
Exactly. They don't want to leave a gap for a competitor.
You can often offset the cost by making adjustments on the cost side. We had to do that with both the real estate and real estate agents systems. They said, instead of 10% next year, we expect you to deliver a new architecture within a certain timeframe, and in return, we can give you a rebate on the cost.
Precisely. But it's not a complete cover. It's also a tactful way of communicating to the subsidiaries that there's room for reorganization. If a company has been around for 25 years with the same team from the start, there are likely people who, despite being good employees, aren't contributing significantly. We wouldn't suffer if we let go of a couple of them.
They never do, but they cleverly set requirements on the turnover and profit side. This forces you to realize that capturing the last 20% of the market is more expensive than the initial entry phase.
The priority is to maintain sales at the same level, not to lose turnover. If they can achieve a 12% net profit on that, it's considered successful.
Yes, indeed.
That's what I last heard. However, it's been a while, and the targets might vary for different companies.
There's no company-wide growth rate set for all the subsidiaries. When Patrik was the COO, he would meet with the management team of real estate agents and discuss growth strategies and reasonable levels. He would have a notion before the meeting, and then there would be a discussion.
Yes, that's correct.
Yes, that's correct.
I've noticed that some CEOs reach out more than others. There is a group of COOs, each leading different companies. Some of these subsidiary CEOs reach out more often and have monthly meetings with the COOs. This is something we observe in our market. It's important to understand that each of these CEOs sees their own situation as unique.
You need to understand, I've heard it many times in these meetings where you meet the leaders of all the subsidiaries. They meet in Umeå once or maybe twice a year now. All of them say that, you have to understand that the real estate business is unique.
Exactly. They are customers and whether it's an ERP system or a business system, none of them will call you to say, "Thank you, this is way too cheap."
Actually, Fredrik Rubin, the CEO of the real estate ERP system, brought me in. They had acquired a Stockholm-based company. So, Vitec bought two companies that focused on real estate owners, handling tenants and annual budgets for maintenance tasks like painting and elevator replacements. All the maintenance staff used their system.
It's called Vitec Fastighet, Vitec Real Estate.
That's correct.
They are two completely separate systems with separate teams.
I was in the real estate agent sector, handling both marketing and sales.
I was brought in as a project manager to handle the integration of two real estate ERP systems that Vitec had acquired. One was based in Stockholm and the other in Kalmar, in the south of Sweden. The goal was to merge these two systems.
We developed an integration plan for the upcoming three months. The first step was to provide everyone with a new email address for the new company. We then worked on shared calendars and other small things that facilitate integration.
Vitec learned early on that the fear of integration is often exaggerated by buyers. If you've been working in the same place for 20 years, a change like a new owner can actually be quite exciting. Especially when the new owner is a big company that can open up new opportunities.
In these types of organizations, people are generally welcoming. If you were to merge Amazon and Google, there would be a huge fight from both sides, and great fear. The benefits of being purchased by a larger company include better structure and improved finances in the long term. There's a steadiness and robustness that smaller companies often lack.
Yes, we merged the two companies. At the end of this project, Fredrik decided we couldn't have a sales and marketing manager on both sides. I thought he would choose one of them, but instead, he appointed me as their manager.
Yes, one was a system for real estate agents, and the other was for real estate owners.
No, there were two separate companies that Vitec bought, both of which catered to real estate owners.
The company in Kalmar was called Capitex, and the one in Stockholm was, I think, 3L.
That includes two companies from the start of 2016.
Yes, that's the one. And that's the one where I helped integrate two companies into Vitec Mäklarsystem. One of these companies was a company from Stockholm, named 3L. The other one was Capitex.
Now, what you're pointing at here, it seems like a group of companies who are in different countries. They have one in Finland, for example.
No. And the Vitec Megler there is real estate agents.
No, the Fastighet. That's the one I was referring to.
Yes, exactly.
Yes, exactly.
The company they bought in Kalmar had two separate divisions. So, they had one for Fastighet, which is for real estate owners, and they had one for real estate agents.
So, they divided it.
There might indeed be a few more companies now included in Fastighet.
There's not much of a relationship because they operate quite separately. The real estate agents have nothing really to do with the maintenance of commercial estates. Vitec Fastighet's property portfolio is largely owned by the state and regional entities, like cities and communes. They are also major buyers of commercial estates. Those are the customers on that side.
There is a CEO for that division.
Yes, those are two separate CEOs.
Exactly. There's probably a COO position to whom they report. That person is part of the senior management at Vitec headquarters. Previously, there was only one person, Patrik. But as the number of companies grew, it became too much for him to handle, so they probably divided it into divisions. Even if the owners of real estate and the real estate agents don't have anything to do with each other, they probably have them in the same division for supervision from Vitec headquarters.
I reported to the CEO for both of these companies for a while. Then we divided them, and I primarily worked on the real estate side.
I reported to the CEO of Mäklarsystem, the real estate side, and the CEO of Fastighet, the system for estate owners. At that time, it was quite practical because Fredrik was the CEO of both. But when he left the company, they hired a separate CEO for each. Then I took on the role of Head of Marketing and Sales, but only for the real estate side.
At that time, they owned maybe five or six companies, so very little was centralized. They had a very small head office with Lars, Olof, the CFO, Patrik, and two HR personnel.
Yes. They've started serious acquisitions recently.
I believe it was due to cash flow reasons. They have a history of using their cash as security for loans when buying companies. They almost always loan the whole portion of the cash payment and then issue shares for the rest.
I think it was due to practical reasons. There were too few people, only Lars and Olof part-time, and one full-time person who managed the shortlist of companies to buy. Now, they have an entire team for this purpose.
Exactly. Lead generation is easier now because everyone in Sweden knows about Vitec and sees it as a possible exit.
I'm not sure. But Lars found it difficult to explain the model, even to people internally.
He was looking for a certain mindset. He wanted to meet the founder of the company he was going to buy and really get to know that person. He was very thorough in that respect. A VC company would have a set of terms and if you meet 80% of these, they would talk to you.
Yes, that's correct.
Indeed, it's quite amusing because he merely mentioned in passing that we are continuously looking for companies to buy. He didn't share a broader vision about becoming a serial buyer. He spent more time discussing the culture of these companies and the notion of us being a family. He focused more on the group rather than on acquiring more companies. As employees in the subsidiaries, we didn't really receive any information. There's nothing on the intranet about it. It's just a simple press release when they purchase a company. There's no real strategy around mergers or acquisitions that he spoke about.
Not really. I think they are still looking for companies with a very targeted, narrow customer base. He doesn't want competition when buying a company. They don't want competition from large corporations or venture capitalists.
It's very beneficial for Vitec if there isn't a huge upside, even in 10 years from now, because then you get serious competition from other buyers.
If it's a steady 10 million a year, one million in profit a year, it's perfect. We can always do things with those companies.
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The executive has over 5 years experience at Vitec Software working in its Real Estate operating companies.