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Is there a budget limit when dealing with a customer in a municipal setting? You mentioned that typically up to 5K, the plant manager could handle it. Does the maintenance manager have a budget limit in industrial settings?

The approach is a bit different on the industrial side most of the time. Some of it can be regulatory-driven. For example, if regulatory bodies say our TOC levels must drop by 10%, we have to meet those requirements. However, most of the time, it's about whether it makes sense and makes money. If I can sell them an automated system to catch the TOC dump and prevent it from going to the city—from an industrial plant to municipal—where they would get fined for breaking their TOC permit, then it makes sense. I can point out that they were fined three times last year, costing them $90,000. My system costs $60,000. If this happens every year, there's a clear return on investment. Yes, often in industrial settings, it comes down to a return on investment.

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And what are the most common reasons? It's mostly EPA-related, right? We're not talking about FDA here; this is EPA-driven.

Yes, it's more EPA-driven. Consider an upset where you dump a large amount of methanol into the drainage ditch. It will reach the municipal water treatment and kill all their biological treatment sources. Then they have to reset their plant, and they can't have any effluent going out because their biological processes aren't working anymore. It causes a huge chain reaction.

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No, I haven't.

Okay. Often, the effluent will be plumbed directly into their lab, providing a constant stream. At any point, they can take a grab sample and run it in the lab. So, we're discussing whether we need to send our samples out to someone else for testing or if we have a certified lab to test everything ourselves. If you have a certified lab, you need to invest in stocking that lab. Alternatively, you spend money to send it out to someone else with a certified lab. Certification ensures that the measurements are accurate. If I claim my total organic carbons are one part per billion, what's my reference? How do I know that's correct? Certified labs must maintain very tight records on calibrations, including when the last calibration was done and the updated calibration standards used.

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