Interview Transcript

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I want to make the repair process more real. I felt like we flew through it last time, so I need to understand the different components of it. Why build your own repair shops in the first place if you're Tesla? Why go through this hassle?

The first and main focus is cost of ownership. Cost of ownership has been the number one priority. Everyone who has joined the Tesla model from the outside, including those recruited and myself, initially thought there was a lot of opportunity for revenue. However, that's not how Tesla sees it at all.

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I want to make the repair process more real. I felt like we flew through it last time, so I need to understand the different components of it. Why build your own repair shops in the first place if you're Tesla? Why go through this hassle?

Technicians are encouraged to open gyro tickets to engineering, communicate with technical reps, and agree on design changes. I've seen firsthand where they've made design changes that go directly to manufacturing and are implemented in the next run of that model, whether it's the Model 3 or Model Y. Efficiency in design and manufacturing, along with cost of ownership, are the biggest priorities.

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And if I'm Tesla certified, can I keep fixing other brands?

Tesla restricts parts orders if you're not a Tesla-certified shop. So, unless the parts are cosmetic, you can't order them unless you're certified.

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