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Yes, I was also wondering if some of the larger, more professional players in the industry, like TRIARC or TerraVest, are very automated, while a huge portion of the industry is mom-and-pop operations doing it much more manually. That was one of the avenues I was wondering about.

There are not a lot of mom-and-pop operations that make tanks. Actually, there are no mom-and-pop operations that make tanks. You may have some when you get into your refurbishers or people that take old tanks, recondition the shells, put new valves, and apply a coat of paint. Then you get some smaller operations, but there's just a handful of those. There's not even a whole lot of those. The reason why is all of those have been sold already. Everybody's already grabbed those. So you don't have the availability of used shells to recondition.

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