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I'd be curious if you see it the same way. Are there two strategies here? And as a second question, what do you make of Ryerson's strategy?

What Ryerson learned the hard way was they bought a company, a good-sized $500 million revenue company that was really strong, a transactional service center, and lost a lot of its revenue very quickly. The lesson learned was culture. It was a mismatch in culture. So our mantra from the top became that it's most important to get culture right when we do an acquisition.

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I'd be curious if you see it the same way. Are there two strategies here? And as a second question, what do you make of Ryerson's strategy?

Some of these plants that Ryerson has have that customer concentration issue. If they lose that customer, they lose that plant. They have leverage against you, and you don't have the courage to push it through.

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