Interview Transcript

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I think a good starting point would be to understand how it all began. How did your interactions with Brett start and what was the process of becoming part of KPG like?

However, we did have a couple of aging partners who were going to retire at some point. In Australia, the structure of practices would have meant that my other partners and I would have had to borrow to pay out the retiring partner. This would have involved a long-term funding model with less attractive payback. Brett, on the other hand, offered a disciplined model where he would take a percentage of our practice and operate it according to his specific metrics.

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I think a good starting point would be to understand how it all began. How did your interactions with Brett start and what was the process of becoming part of KPG like?

Brett was able to retire our senior partner, the founding partner who started the practice. This was a critical issue for us. The deal with Brett wasn't just about this, but also about what else he brought to the table. The Kelly+Partners model provided a number of solutions for us at the time.

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Could you share your experience during that journey? You spent five years with the company after the acquisition. How did the BCP's performance change before and after the acquisition?

This model was beneficial in terms of discipline around running a practice, but it also brought a level of governance that was challenging for a suburban practice. Brett's focus was on making the practice efficient, which was beneficial but also altered the way we had been running our practice before joining Kelly+Partners.

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