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And are there any other major changes that JLG made to RE's business? Not necessarily software. It could be anything.

I think that the brand structure, the way Johns Lyng promotes all their brands as being really independent of each other while still working together, whereas RE had everything roll up under one umbrella. Johns Lyng really treats them as different brands with different managers and different, essentially, owners through their partnership model and really holds people accountable in that way. I think that was another thing that was difficult for the RE people to fully appreciate, especially with the smaller brands. I was really there with the Express brand, which handles repairs under $30,000. Traditionally at RE, that was the department that was just seen as a necessary evil. Whereas for Johns Lyng, it was really a part of their strategy to start with the Express brand and small-time repairs and works to really establish themselves and prove that the model worked. They gave a lot of care and attention to the smaller end of the works, the things that could be done quickly. It became a volume game versus picking out a $150 million project. Shifting resources to support the lower end of the market was another thing that I faced a lot of resistance on. Trying to get more resources onto my team was a challenge.

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