Interview Transcript

How do you approach driving repurchasing by customers?

Customer satisfaction with the first purchase is very important. The product you are selling should be consistent with the iconic heritage of the brand. This is very important and it’s true for everyone. If your brand, if your product, at the end of the day, is not consistent and is not up to the standard that the people expect, the risk is that they will not repurchase. It’s absolutely necessary not to underestimate the quality that the Chinese market want to receive and the ability to perceive quality from this new client. In certain cases, it’s even easier to sell to well-known and continual repeater clients because they are more accepting of certain imperfections. But when you sell to a very demanding, first-time client, you need to sell to a level of perfection – a perceived one, but also an actual one – that must really be up to the reputation of your brand. In that case, you will have a high percentage that will come back. This is so important; do not underestimate the ability to evaluate quality, by Chinese consumers.

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