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Yes, I would love to hear more about that later. There are some interesting aspects we're exploring, and I'm curious to hear your thoughts. At a high level, how do you view the market for clinical diagnostics testing? With the volume of tests that need to be conducted, how do you differentiate between types of tests, such as oncology, prenatal, or blood tests? How do you approach the market from the beginning?

For example, 10 years ago, most vitamins were actually considered specialty. Today, they are commodity. Routine testing includes full blood counts, vitamins, minerals, and such, which are straightforward, high volume, and unfortunately, have very low margins. Currently, specialty areas include molecular diagnostics and everything related to IVD, women's health, reproductive health, rare diseases, cancer, and tumor diagnostics. But, as I mentioned, by around 2027 or 2028, most of these tests will likely convert into routine.

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Yes, I would love to hear more about that later. There are some interesting aspects we're exploring, and I'm curious to hear your thoughts. At a high level, how do you view the market for clinical diagnostics testing? With the volume of tests that need to be conducted, how do you differentiate between types of tests, such as oncology, prenatal, or blood tests? How do you approach the market from the beginning?

As a clinical diagnostic service provider and a reagent or medtech vendor, the key is to continuously invest in R&D, develop new methods, be faster, more precise, enter new diagnostic areas, and keep developing. This is the only way to stay ahead in this very fast lifecycle of testing within diagnostics or clinical diagnostics.

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How is the business split at Eurofins? What percentage is routine and what percentage is specialty? And how has this changed over the years?

So it really depends on whether you want massive and rapid market share and market expansion, or if you want to mark a difference, taking into account high spending on capex and staff, but actually being able to cross-sell. And I think Cerba Healthcare today is the only player at this stage being able to cross-sell to Eurofins, Biogroup, and Synlab without being a direct competitor to them.

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