Interview Transcript

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Overall, would you say that the culture is healthy now?

So I would say that now overall, maybe the percentage of sales is probably 85/15. So 85% of all sales are off-premise and 15% on-premise. That's kind of my guess. They're trying to work on getting more on-premise sales because of impressions. But if you look at the mood and the feel and what everybody is saying, they've got their directions, they've got their systems in place. They know what to do. I think the distributorship is where they are now making changes to reflect their needs.

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How often would Juan come to the US, do you know?

He had, like, a weekly schedule for a while. He was there pretty much two weeks a month when they were new in the US. He could be in different parts of the US, but as far as going to the office, I'm not sure. He was very much involved. He would attend distributor meetings, product launches, and marketing meetings. I don't know if he still does, but when I was there, I remember hearing about him traveling to the US quite a bit.

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