Interview Transcript

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Could you start by describing ADI's strategy of selling more subsystems and software in your own words? What does this mean to you?

To enter the market, the more skill sets you can combine within one organization, the faster your time to market theoretically would be. This is particularly true in fragmented industries with many long-tail players. You can make a significant impact by providing more system-level solutions. In markets with fragmentation and long design cycles, offering more components to the end customer accelerates revenue generation.

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Could you start by describing ADI's strategy of selling more subsystems and software in your own words? What does this mean to you?

From my perspective, this aligns well with ADI's market strategy when I was there. Providing system-level solutions is crucial, especially in the specific markets I mentioned. However, it brings challenges, such as being perceived as a competitor by end or intermediate customers. It's harder for a semiconductor company to shift towards understanding, planning, and executing this kind of product development and support within the ecosystem.

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