Interview Transcript

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Let's start with the sales process. We were wondering, why did you sell your business, and why did you sell to Instalco and not another competitor like Bravida?

At the meeting, which took place the next day, Robin, an Instalco representative, explained their business model. I found their concept very appealing. They buy a company and leave it as it is, without integrating it under Instalco or changing its identity. The local management remains in control, making it easier to handle any local issues without them spreading within the larger organization.

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Let's start with the sales process. We were wondering, why did you sell your business, and why did you sell to Instalco and not another competitor like Bravida?

This was the type of buyer I was looking for. If Instalco had wanted to change or rebrand my company, I would have declined their offer. In Finland, there are many unfortunate stories about small companies being bought by large corporations and facing problems. Instalco's approach was different, they promised to leave everything as it is.

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Why did they change course and decide to interfere with the management of the company after a few years?

I think it might have something to do with Robin becoming CEO. Before that, there were no country managers in Finland. When they appointed two country managers, they assured us that these managers were there to assist us. However, gradually, the country managers started interfering with our work. After the earnout period, we lost control over everything, everything was decided for us.

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