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You mentioned Mars, Nestlé, and Hill's, which are well-known names. Why were they sourcing their antioxidants or originally their BHA from specialty distributors instead of going directly to the principals or manufacturers?

It's typical for large companies that use blends to work with antioxidant blenders rather than going directly to a BHA manufacturer. This is due to the flexibility, advice, support, and dosage they offer. Despite the large volumes these companies use, they are not that interesting for big chemical producers like BHA manufacturers. This is a historical trend.

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Were there any molecules or suppliers that you lacked, which might have hindered your sales capacity or your function as a key account manager?

Most of our business involved adjusting existing molecules and blends to make them workable for customers. For example, a blend that works perfectly in the Netherlands due to the mild weather may not be suitable for a Norwegian customer, where winter temperatures can drop to minus 15 degrees. This is where the expertise of antioxidant blenders comes in.

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Going back to the point you made, it seems like distributors or blenders all have similar access to the same types of molecules. How do you differentiate yourself as a blender or distributor, specifically in your region? How do you set yourself apart from your competitors?

The differentiation then lies in the application basis. Manufacturers are advised on what to add and in what quantity based on their production process. This is done without revealing the entire process, thus protecting their business from competitors who might want to offer the same product. It's not just about blending; it's about the knowledge and application technology behind it.

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