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Thank you. Now, let's move on to the main discussion. Let's start with a broad question, and you can take it in any direction you'd like. If I asked you about the strengths and weaknesses of KX, what would be your initial thoughts?

Firstly, the underlying core technology of KX is exceptional. I spent some time with the inventor of the technology before I joined KX, as part of my own evaluation.

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Could you help me understand the usefulness of KX beyond the financial sector? It's clear why it's valuable in financial services, where a time series database makes a lot of sense. However, why is it particularly valuable in other industries such as IoT, energy, manufacturing, and retail? What benefits do customers gain from this?

Time series is special because it's a timestamp of value and a few other things. However, on its own, it's not very useful except for replay. To extract value from powerful business applications, you have to join it with other data sets. From the very beginning, KX was designed to store relational data and time series data efficiently. Other technologies like traditional data warehouses and relational databases were extremely slow at doing this because their architectures were not designed for such a blend. I've seen queries running on Oracle or data warehouses that took weeks of execution time, whereas KX could do that in minutes or seconds.

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