Interview Transcript

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Safran and Zodiac manufacture the seats so AmSafe is PMAing to their seats?

Exactly. That's why, if I wanted to PMA, I'd have to go to each manufacturer of the seat, try to get onto those seats. We get a list every day from airlines looking for PMAs. And the AmSafe seatbelts are always on there because they're high priced, they have poor delivery. They control the market, so they can sell for whatever they want.

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How do you think the Heico-Wencor merger will affect the distribution side?

It's going to be quite interesting. The real issue isn't with Heico, but how things will play out between Wencor and Seal Dynamics. Wencor and Seal Dynamics are almost identical in terms of the products they sell, like filtration and hardware. When an airline sends out a bid for lighting, filtration, or hardware, both companies receive those bids. Now, they'll be competing against each other.

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